UPDATE: 3/9/25 School Board Selects Two Finalists
At the special board meeting on Saturday, March 8, the Board selected two finalists: Larry Markuson and Greggery Teel to interview for the Superintendent position.
Finalist Campus Visits and Interviews on March 11 and March 13:
One finalist will be present at the district each day for a campus tour and various meetings including a Community Forum from 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. for interested individuals.
The Board encourages interested individuals to come meet the finalists during this time and bring their questions.
Tuesday, March 11 | Thursday, March 13 |
The Board will interview the finalists, one on Tuesday, March 11 and one on Thursday, March 13 at an OPEN BOARD MEETING.
The OPEN BOARD MEETINGS on Tuesday, March 11 and Thursday, March 13 will be from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Elementary School Library. Present at the board meetings will be board members, a finalist candidate and interested observers.
The Agenda for the March 11 and March 13 OPEN BOARD MEETINGS will be posted Monday, March 10, and available on the District Homepage. https://www.whitepass.k12.wa.us/
The District Website/ Superintendent Search is being updated regularly as the process unfolds. Visit the Superintendent Search webpage here: